Acute Sport Concussion Clinic
The Acute Concussion Clinic comprises a multidisciplinary healthcare team dedicated to assessing and recommending treatment for patients recovering from an acute sport-related concussion
The ​initial assessment aims to determine if a concussion is present and develop a treatment plan. Based on the assessment results and input from the affected individual, a treatment plan will be designed to ensure the plan is feasible, accessible, and realistic for the injury and life circumstances.
The clinic will also help coordinate academic and work accommodations, monitor the recovery process to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment plan and provide clearance for return to sport, physical activity, and specific workplace tasks.

You have been referred to the
Acute Sport Concussion Clinic
Our assessment team reviews all incoming referrals to ensure our clinic is the next place you should be assessed. If you call to refer yourself, you will be asked screening questions to provide the same information.
Once your referral is accepted, we will telephone you to schedule an appointment. We book approximately 1 – 2 weeks in advance.
Once your appointment is confirmed:
We will email you a parking pass and directions to our clinic.
We will send you a link to complete your intake forms.
You will receive a reminder three business days before your appointment from our automated system.
If you cannot attend your appointment, you must notify us by telephone as soon as possible to be eligible to reschedule it.

What to expect at your Acute Concussion Clinic appointment
Your Acute Sport Concussion Clinic appointment is a one-hour comprehensive assessment with a Certified Athletic Therapist and a physician. The assessment may include all or some of the following, depending on your situation:
• A detailed history
• Cognitive testing
• Visual testing
• Vestibular testing
• Balance tests
• Coordination tests
• Physical exertion testing
• Cervical spine (neck) tests
You will be educated on the findings, what to do in daily life to foster the best healing environment, therapeutic recommendations, exercises, return to sport plan (if required) and return to work/school plan (if needed).
Patient Resources
Parachute Canada is a medically based and approved website with great information about concussions. Please visit them at